Quick Start
Following the instructions below, you can create a simple, personalized
view in just a few minutes that displays data cells from various
sources. The view places this data on a graphic item, created using
another tool.
- Start Personal View Builder.
- Enter "guest" for Username and "guest" for Password
- Go to “Display/Properties”. Select your phone model or enter the
screen data manually.
- Insert an image object using the
“Image” button. Go to “My Images” and
select an image that begins with “Personal”. Enlarge the image to the
full size of the view.
- Insert Live Text objects using the
“Live Text” button. Select the
following ADI variables and drag the objects to the appropriate places
in the view:
- ~/Examples/Simulation/Storage/Screw/4772
- ~/Examples/Finance/Euro in $
- ~/Examples/Simulation/grandma/systolic
- ~/Examples/Simulation/grandma/diastolic
- ~/Examples/Simulation/grandma/pulse
- Insert a ticker object using the
“Ticker” button. Select the ADI
variable “~/MyData/Meeting Point”. Drag the object to the appropriate
area in the view. - Choose
"GoLive!->Run" (or F9) to start the preview mode. The view will be
displayed, animated with the current data values from GDS.
- Go to “View->Save As…” and enter a filename for the view.
- To watch this view you will need the viewer.